Download Technopoly postman summary us constitution

The book has an introduction and 11 chapters. The main argument this book explores is not between humanists and scientists, but between technology and everybody else. Most people believe that technology is a friend. It is a friend that asks for trust and obedience, which most give because its gifts are bountiful. The dark side it that it creates a culture without moral foundation, undermines certain mental processes and social relations that make human life worth living. Technology is both a friend and enemy. The book tries to explain when, how and why technology became a particularly dangerous enemy. Radical technologies create new definitions for old terms, and this happens without us being fully concious of it e. Or us to ask. Example of technologies that creates new conceptions of what is real: giving marks in school first done in If a number can be given to the quality of thought, why not to mercy, love, hate, beauty, creativity, intelligence or sanity? Psychologists, sociologists and educators find it quite hard to work without numbers. Saying that someone should be doing better work because has a IQ ofor technopoly postman summary us constitution someone has 7. Also, technological change is neither additive or subtractive, but ecological. Need to know if technology changes our conception of reality, the relationship of the rich to the power, the idea of happiness itself. A preacher who confines himself to considering how a medium can increase his audience misses the significant question: in what sense new media alters what is technopoly postman summary us constitution by religion, church or even god? In part because it has no name. The book calls it Technopoly. One taxonomy of cultures based on their relation to technology: tool-using cultures, technocracies and technopolies. All types can be found on the planet, but the first is disappearing. Until 17th century, all cultures were tool-using, but with considerable variation on the tools available. The main characteristic is that their tools were largely invented for two things: solve a specific and urgent problem of physical life, or to serve the symbolic world of arts, politics, myth, ritual and religion.

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